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LLT Education tailor and deliver training programmes to diplomats, expats, students, tourists, migrants, and anyone who is interested in learning Vietnamese language and culture.

LLT Education design training programmes and methodologies to suit learners of all levels of Vietnamese language. We have successfully trained learners at the true beginning level who haven’t learnt Vietnamese before.

LLT Education have both online courses for learners from any parts of the world and in-person courses for learners who are based in New Zealand.

LLT Education’s instructor has gained a PhD degree in linguistics and education from New Zealand; a Masters and BA degree in language teaching from Vietnam; and 18-year experience in teaching and training in both New Zealand and Vietnam.

Regarding the Vietnamese language and culture training, the instructor has worked with learners from New Zealand, the US, and Ukraine over the past 10 years. They included New Zealand ambassadors to Vietnam, other New Zealand diplomats, and learners from the US and Ukraine. 

Please feel free to get in touch with us to be advised on the best course for you, or when you have any questions about our programmes.



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Chúng tôi đã cung cấp các khoá học Tiếng Việt và Văn Hoá Việt Nam cho:
Bộ Ngoại Giao và Thương Mại Niu Di-lân
Bộ Các Ngành Công Nghiệp Cơ Bản Niu Di-lân
Lực Lượng Quốc phòng Niu Di-lân
Đại Học Victoria Tp. Wellington, Niu Di-lân
Học Viện Ngôn Ngữ Euroasia, Niu Di-lân
Các học viên từ Mỹ và Ukraine
Ho Chi Minh City, photo by Live Like Trees
Bien Hoa City, photo by Live Like Trees

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